Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sweet Valley High #11: Too Good to Be True

Front Cover: Is Suzanne as perfect as she seems?

Back Cover: A devil in disguise...
The Wakefield twins are wild with excitement. Glamorous, sophisticated Suzanne Devlin is coming to Sweet Valley from New York City. For two weeks, Elizabeth will show her around town while Jessica has the time of her life in New York.
At first, Suzanne seems to be the most perfect girl in the world. She's beautiful and friendly and not the least bit stuck-up. All the boys of Sweet Valley are absolutely crazy about her her. But when Suzanne accuses Mr. Collins of trying to seduce her, Elizabeth knows there's more to Suzanne than meets the eye.
Elizabeth really is too naive and trusting. I really wish she'd get mean and stop being stepped on.

Suzanne comes across as just some spoiled little brat who just wants attention. I mean, if her parents are as bad/neglectful as they came across when Jessica came over, I kinda get it. But still. She has no right to try and destroy Mr Collins's life and career like that.

I'm really pissed at Elizabeth for not taking his side right away. Also, didn't anyone interview Teddy? Teddy at least would have been a decent character witness, saying that Suzanne was mean and neglectful and not at all nice. I know they wouldn't be able to hang a judgment on that, but at least it would've raised awareness. People would have been all like, "Wait, that doesn't sound like the girl we met... what's going on?"

It's stuff like that that really makes me wary to be a teacher. I mean, luckily I'm a female, so it's unlikely a guy will rip his shirt and say I tried to attack him and take advantage of him, but yeah. It was just way too easy for Suzanne to cast doubt and cause havoc on Mr Collins's life. It makes me wonder if she's done this to boys her age too. I bet you if her boarding school is co-ed, she's probably tried a similar stunt to get guys kicked out.

I feel kinda bad that Jessica had such a terrible time in New York, but it doesn't excuse her behaviour. She knows that Pete is Suzanne's boyfriend, yet she still throws herself at him and tries to seduce him! I can understand flirting with him and what not, but she just keeps pushing and pushing, even though he says he's with Suzanne and that he loves her. It kinda shows how sad and pathetic Jessica's life is. She's so used to being flippant with guys and never getting into a serious long-term relationship, that she just expects guys to feel the same way. I bet you because she's always casually dated, meaning the guys were always technically allowed to date other girls, she just assumes that all guys want to date around.

Still. It really pisses me off that she can't understand and respect other people's relationships. Her meddling with Steven and his relationship with Tricia really gets to me! She blatantly lies and tries to manipulate him into breaking up with her!

Hook: What terrible secret is Tricia keeping from Steven?

I think she has cancer or some other terminal disease, and has been told that she only has 3 months or so to live. She probably wants to spare Steven the pain of watching her deteriorate and die, so she's hoping he'll lose interest in her and move on.

What I hate is Jessica always telling Steven that he can do better. Tricia has done nothing wrong. So what if she comes from a sketchy family?

Anyways, I feel like I've already read the next one, but I guess we'll see haha

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